Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Streaker on American Ninja!

American Ninja Streaker

Friday, June 26, 2015

Kanye West Fights to Keep the Confederate Flag Cool!

In the strangest of affinities, Kanye West has used his business acumen and foresight to make sure the market for confederate themed merchandise continues to thrive.

The savvy businessman knows that as soon as mega-corporations like Walmart determine that someting is no longer 'cool', the cool kids just want it that much more.

Predicting a massive resurgence in confederate flag fashions in super-cool 'southern sounding' places like 'Williamsburg', Kanye, earning extra points for being 'first' on the trend in 2013 has launched a line of confederate flag fashions and videos where is his goal was to "take white trash T-shirts and make it into a video."

One of Kanye's designs features the rebel flag with the words "I ain't coming down" in one of the most prescient of pre-responses to a top-trending story that took years to catch up with this innovator...

Friday, June 12, 2015

The Rachel Dolezal Interview (video)

How Rachel looked while younger:

How Rachel looks now as an NAACP Leader in Spokane:

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Monday, June 8, 2015

Beautiful Woman with Elephantiasis of the Feet

22 year-old Gilvaneide Martins is a woman who has never owned a pair of shoes due to her enormous feet.  Elephantiasis is caused by a parasite carried in mosquitoes and unfortunately, some experts say, that her feet will continue to grow.

elephantiasis, Brazilian woman's feet
Gilvaneide Martins

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Longest Tongue Girl a World Record?

how to measure her tongue
longest tongue girl measured

Adrienne Lewis' world record longest tongue is becoming a youtube sensation, though the comments on some of the videos are quite distresssing to her boyfriend.

According to the folks at Barcroft, her tongue is 4 inches long and "her serpent-like appendage can touch her nose, chin, elbow, and even her eye with a little help"...

Take a look (video):

Longest Tongue Girl Mugshot!
Longest Tongue Girl Mugshot!

longest tongue licking
longest tongue making short work of ice cream cones

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Goat with a human face born in Dagestan

goat with a human face
goat with a human face... 

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Penisists" worship, you guessed it, in their very own temple...

Hachi Machi. Apparently this Canadian fellow is the self proclaimed "Pope of the Penis" and his little man cave is the actual "Temple of Priapus". This clip from the new documentary aptly named "Dickumentary" is worth a look if you ever wondered what type of strange things actually go on in your neighbor's basement.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Does the Vibration of a Jet's Engine Cause Madness?

As a recent attendee of the GongLab and someone with a serious interest in the effects of sound and vibration on the brain, I can't help but wonder if there is a possibility that the frequency of a jet engine is actually dangerous to certain people and can't help but wonder if some of the recent air-disaster mysteries are the result...

There are no YouTube playlists of train passengers going completely berserk; while simple searches for going "Crazy on a Plane" seem to return TONS of videos where a flight's passenger, crew, or even pilot seems to come completely unhinged....

I put a 10 video examples below...  It's easy to note that the commonality in many of these videos is the thick drone of the engines' vibration.

Take look:

The "God you're my savior" meltdown - A flight attendant eventually asks male fliers to help block woman during meltdown in case she tries to get near the doors.

The cigarette smoking professor determined to expose the US's "war on Venezuela"

Never say this on a plane! I won't even write it, see for yourself:

It even happens to flight attendants and staff ... In the following video, a flight attendant screams that "she has to kill the passengers before takeoff"...

Even pilots?

"Help me, I am going to die today... Are you going to shoot me now?"

Some breakdowns are less violent, but still strange and embarrassing...

Attempting to open the door seems to be a common goal...

Some unfortunate folks will even be accused of attempted hijacking

Many people might chalk up this reaction to simple fear; but it looks like he's actually being oppressed by something tangible like the vibration of the engine:

Friday, February 13, 2015

Guru's Movie Trailer So Intense it Includes Disclaimer that His Trike Stunts May be Fictional

You may remember The Big Insan from such hits as LoveCharger, but his new feature length film is head and shoulders above any spectacle thus far.

MSG - The Messenger

The warning about his flying motorcycle was not by choice, but a demand from an appellate tribunal who overturned India's Central Board of Film Certification's ban but did admit the film could cause tensions.

Behold the official theatrical trailer for "MSG - The Messenger" staring Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan!

The Wall Street Journal has some decent insights into the film HERE